Our strapline, 'Christ in the Community' sums up 'mission' being at the centre of Salisbury Baptist. We have various forms of ministry and mission. Any interest, support or being a part of any of the things mentioned below is always welcomed.

Women's Ministry
Men's Ministry
Connect Groups
This is done in various ways in the life of the church. Through Sunday worship & preaching. Small groups like our connect groups, prayer groups, Men's & women's work. Individual discipleship programmes can be arranged.
Faith, Fun & Fellowship
This includes a book club, lending library, connect group, whatsapp group, socials and retreats.
Aim to have an event per month for the men of the church on a social basis that being a walk with a breakfast, snooker session, ten pin bowling, river cruise, a curry night, a men's breakfast at church.
Contact the Church Office to find out details to get involved.
Pray, Study & Share
Connect Groups meet bi-weekly at the church and at people’s homes. It is a great way to get to know people, to support each other and learn more about God. Contact the Church Office for more information on how to join.

Kings Kids and Youth Ministry
The Young People and King’s Kids initially start off in the main service with the rest of the church family. Just before the sermon they go downstairs for a lively and fun session with age appropriate activities. Crèche facilities are available.

Eph 5. 19b- Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord!
The purpose of our Worship Team is to lead the congregation to worship God in Praise. As a congregation, we are to raise our hearts in songs of praise every time we meet for our Sunday services.

The Church wants to encourage families and provide support in different areas. We organise regular family events as well as a monthly Family Resource leaflet which includes recommedations, a devotional, prayer points and an activity for the whole family to participate in. Hannah is our Young People and Families worker who looks to pastorally support and encourage the families at SBC and in the community.

We want your first time at SBC to a comfortable, enjoyable and welcoming experience. We have a welcome team every Sunday who are there to say hi and answers any questions you might have when you visit for the first few times. Please don't hestiate to

Youth Socials
We want to provide a place that allows bonding to happen, fun and laughter to be shared. Create opportunities for big questions about life and God to be asked. We want to see our young people grow in self-esteem, love, peace and joy.
Fortnightly on Tuesday evenings
6:30 till 8pm at Church.
SBC #Ignite Youth group - For Young people in School Years 7-11
SBC #Quest Youth Group - For Young People in School Years 4-6.

At Salisbury Baptist Church we take Safeguarding of children and adults seriously.
If you have a concern please see our safeguarding page for more details.

Pastoral Care
With a team of eight, the Pastoral Care Team group are very active in supporting and helping members of the
fellowship who are unwell, convalescing, recovering from operations, sorting meal rotas and prayerfully supporting them.
Please email Churchofficesbc@gmail.com if you would like pastoral support

Prayer is a key foundation of all church life. It happens in Sunday services, connect groups, prayer triplets, a monthly prayer and praise evening.

Coffee Stop
Every Friday 10.30-12.00pm in the café, a coffee morning open to all. Lively chatter with home-made cakes
provided in a friendly and warm environment.
Every second Friday of the month there is a light lunch of soup and a roll with salad for a small charge of £2.

Every Thursday morning parents, carers and guardians bring their little ones to play. Parents enjoy chatting
over tea or coffee, toast and crumpets. Here you can expect a warm and friendly environment where toddlers can interact and play with toys in a bright and cosy setting. The morning also
includes craft activities, a children’s story and song time.
Sessions run term time only, 9:45 till 11:30am

Social Justice
We have a team who input into Church life and services on areas of social justice and environmental issues. There is a different social justice theme for each of the three terms in the year. Opportunity to pray, campaign and practically respond.
If you would like to hear more email churchofficesbc@gmail.com

Our city centre location is convenient with access by foot and vehicle. We are on regular bus routes and have car parking opposite and adjacent to the building. For information regarding letting fees and availability please contact via email sbclettings@gmail.com

Building Working Group
This deals with the fabric of the church i.e. the building both inside and outside to maintain, refurbish or repair area We have 4 x meetings a year and try to work on 2 x projects per year.

We host courses and meetings are available as and when for Marriage, Funerals, Dedication of Children, Membership, Baptism and Ministry Calling.

Gentle Exercise
The weekly class is held every Monday during term time at 2.30pm in the church hall. The session is led by one of our church members, Sheila, who has many years of experience as a keep fit instructor. This is a gentle seated exercise class which includes stretching, strengthening and mobilizing exercises set to a variety of music
within a safe and friendly setting. A drop-in class with no charge, but donations to the church always welcome.

We have a preaching team that preach here at SBC, alongside the Pastor. Both male and female team members are welcome. They also have an opportunity to preach at other churches. The team meets termly for prayer, support and training. Some are very experienced, others are just beginning to explore if this is God's gifting for them.

Friendship Group
The group meets twice a month on a Wednesday evening, taking place in people’s homes and sometimes in
the church café. Members enjoy sharing meals together and have a variety of themed evenings which are very popular. In the summer the group spend occasional days out together. There is a nominal cost of £2, half of which goes to a local charity every year. New members of all ages welcome.

As a Church Community we value the opportunity to take Communion together as believers of Jesus. We take Communion once a month and have a team of volunteers who help serve and lead this time of fellowship together.

The church decide each year on 12 Mission Organisations both home and abroad to support. They are each allocated a month in the year where we focus on them in prayer and information about their work. Each receive a percentage of the Church Tithe (10 %) of its income we give toward Mission. We also adopt a charity to support each year. This year it is The Family Counselling Trust. We have a designated missions Sunday every year.