We are a lively, family and community orientated congregation in Salisbury. Enjoying a wide age range across our membership, our activities reflect the cross-section of people involved in the life of our church.
10.30am Sunday Morning Worship is our main focus, with a strong preaching tradition and uplifting worship music. The younger members of our congregation attend their King's Kids group and a crèche for very youngest. We also have a prayer team available after each service.
After each service we enjoy a chance to chat over a cuppa and some biscuits too.
Midweek there are bi-weekly connect groups, enabling further bible study and fellowship. Plus we have regular prayer meetings for our church, our community and the world.
What we believe
We are members of: The Baptist Union of Great Britain, Southern Counties Baptist Association, Evangelical Alliance and Salisbury Churches Together.
We believe in God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
That Christian Baptism is the immersion in water into the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, of those who have professed repentance towards God and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ who 'died for our sins according to the Scriptures; was buried, and rose again the third day'.
We are passionate about sharing our faith outwardly to the community around us so call our Church 'Christ in the Community'.
our TEAM

Revd Pete Orphan
The church is prayerfully led by a Leadership Team. The team consists of Rev Pete Orphan, Dr Ayo Oyedokun, Ruth Clarke, Debbie Lee-Anthony, Martin Simpson, Derek Holloway, Mike and Hannah Giles.
Lyndsey is our Church Administrator and Tony handles the letting of the building they can be contacted by emailing churchofficesbc@gmail.com and for lettings please email sbclettings@gmail.com
Derek and Karen are our designated safeguarding officers, to contact with a safeguarding issue please email derekholloway4@gmail.com
To access the policy we hold for safeguarding, please click here to read.
Hannah Giles
Young People and Families Worker
Hannah has been part of the church family since September 2021. She is married to Lewis. Hannah's role is to oversee the 0-18's ministries on a Sunday morning and support families in the church and wider community. She heads up the two youth groups called Ignite and Quest. Please email her to find out more information if you have children and young people.
Getting in touch and Frequently asked questions
Does Salisbury Baptist have facilities for 0-18 year olds such as a creche, children and youth groups?
Does Salisbury Baptist have facilities for the disabled?
Yes. We have a Loop system for the hard of hearing and there is wheelchair access with a ramp to the front doors, lift to the second floor and accessible toilets.
Is there parking?
Yes, there is a large council car park situated across the street from the church and a council car park next to the building.
5 Year goal as a church

Bible Verses for the year